The Hello World of Blogs

Source: portfolYOU

This is me writing an intro to this blog post. So introlicioius.

1. Here is one thing I want to say

This is maybe an important thing, and, at the very least it is first.

2. Another thing

I am now talking about a second thing, probably also good.

3. A third thing

We are now getting into the weeds of things that I am saying. It is probably unlikely someone has made it thus far.

4. Thing #4.

At this point, you are probably no longer into me listing off things. Let’s put in an image to placate the reader:


5. The last thing

This is my final thing, probably would be great if this was a TL;DR or summary. But I don’t have that for you. I have given you so little already, why start saying anything useful now?

Besides, all anybody wants is the DERP: